英文誌 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILD SILKMOTH SILK 2022.02.15 2021.12.26 Our Journal Photograph of cover Fukagawa silk worms and Red cocoons of Fukagawa silk raising in Tokyo (From K. Tubokawa and H. Akai) Vol. 22, 2020 (published 2020.12.1) Photograph of cover A Platinum cocoon of Argema mittrei collected in Madagascar (From H. Sugimoto & H. Akai) Vol. 13, 2008 (published 2009.3.1) CONTENTS [Originals] Susumu Hiragaki, Yuji Kawabe and Makio Takeda Molecular cloning and expression analysis of two putative serotonin receptors in the brain of Antheraea pernyi pupa. p. 1. Prasong Srihanam, Siew Lok Toh, James Cho Hong Goh, Reon Somana and Vallaya Sutthikhum Silk Fibroin Sheeets for Scaffolds in Cell Culture and Their Characteristics. p. 15. Hiromu Akai, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Takayuki Nagashima and Hoshiko Sugimoto Structural Characteristics of a Cocoon Nest from Bagmoths, Cryptothelea Family. p. 23. Takayuki Nagashima and Hiromu Akai UV interception properties of Saturniidae and Bombycidae cocoons. p. 29. Takayuki Nagashima and Hiromu Akai Ultrastructure of liquid fibroin in the silk glands of silkworm, Bombyx mori. p. 35. Nagashima, T., Shirai, T., Ishikawa, T., Akai, H., Inoue, S., Kobayashi, I. and Tamura, T. Cell activity in transgenic silk gland induced by a fibroin gene (Ayfib) from Antheraea yamamai. p. 39. Takayuki Nagashima, Hiromu Akai and Toshimasa Mitamura Optical Properties of the Cocoon and Silk Gland of Usutabiga, Rhodinia fugax. p. 47. Hideki Sezutsu, Toshiki Tamura and Kenji Yukuhiro Uniform size of leucine-rich repeats in a wild silk moth, Saturnia japonica (Lepidoptera Saturniidae) fibroin. p. 53. Sivilai Sirimungkararat, Weerasak Saksirirat, Suvita Saepaisan and Siriporn Saen Am-Mat Exploitation of Eri Silkworm Feces and Their Isolated Fungi for Controlling Fusarium Wilt of Tomatoes. p. 61. Suporn Nuchadomrong, Waraluk Senakoon, Sivilai Sirimungkararat, Thanaset Senawong and Pravina Kitikoon Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities of Sericin Powder from Eri Silkworm Cocoons Correlating to Degumming Processes. p. 69. [和文欄] 赤井 弘, 石川達也, 長島孝行, 黒田正人 ミノガ科特有の繭構造. p. 79. 夏川 大, 牧 恒雄 爆砕処理による野蚕繭糸の精練(1) 繭綿回収率について. p. 83. 夏川 大, 牧 恒雄 爆砕処理による野蚕繭糸の精練(2) 繭糸の形態変化について. p. 91. 1) All papers should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Hiromu AKAI, 1030-34 Miyawada, Fujishiro, Ibaraki, 300-1514 Japan (Tel & Fax. +81-297-83-3464). 2) Criteria for acceptance will be scientific merit of the contents. Every paper submitted to the Journal will be critically reviewed by authorities in that field. 3) In the case of rejection, only the original paper will be returned. Script Requirements 1) Manuscript. a. The manuscript should be written in English. Both American and English spelling will be accepted. b. Final texts must be delivered on a floppy disk with two printout copies on which you may give any peculiarities by hand. 2) Illustrations. Submit the original and one copy of each text figure (line drawing, graphs) and photomicrographs. No Xerox copies of the latter will be accepted. The actual size of a single illustration or of the composite plate with several illustrations must not exceed 20 x 25 cm. Over-sized, rolled or folded illustrations will be rejected. Photomicrographs should be glossy prints of good contrast. Where several photomicrographs make up a plate, they should be accurately mounted on the plate. Plates with irregularly mounted photomicrographs will be rejected. Magnifications of all illustrations should be indicated by scale lines on them. All illustrations must be numbered consecutively, using Arabic numerals, e.g. “Fig. 1”. 3) Tables. Type each table and its caption double-spaced on separate sheet. Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, e. g. “Table 1, Table 2”. Long tables must be avoided. 4) References. Within the text, references to papers should be limited to author and year (Akai, 1983) or Akai (1983). In the References, each citation must be complete, consisting of author(s), year of publication, title, journal, volume and inclusive pages. Examples. Akai, H., 1983. The structure and ultrastructure of the silk gland. Experientia, 39: 443-449. Nagashima, T., N. Niwa, S. Okajima and T. Nonaka, 1991. Ultrastructure of silk gland of webspinners, Oligotoma japonica (Insecta, Embioptera). Cytologia, 56: 679-685. Lock, M. and P. Huie, 1980. Ultrastructure methods in cuticle research. In Cuticle Techniques in Arthoropods (ed. T. A. Miller), pp. 91-144. Springer-verlag, New York. Akai, H., (ed) 1976. Ultrastructural Morphology of Insects. University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, (in Japanese). 5) All papers (except Scientific Note) must contain an informative Abstract in English. It must include the full scientific name of the organism(s), main objectives of the work, any new techniques, significant results and conclusions. It should be brief concise and complete in itself without reference to the body of the paper. 6) The title pages should include only the title, author’s name, institutional affiliation, complete mailing address, key words and running title. 7) Scientific Note. Preliminary research reports of broad general interest may be submitted as scientific notes. WILD SILKMOTHS published by ISWS Contents of back numbers Photograph of cover WILD SILKMOTHS ’88 EDITED BY K. AKAI & Z. S. WU Proceedings of Workshop in XVIII International Congress of Entomology VANCOUVER, CANADA July 3-9, 1988 Preface p. v. Acknowledgement p. vii. Contents p. ix. K. Okui On the claws of abdominal legs of some saturniid larvae. p. 1. H. Akai, M. Kiuchi and T. Tamura Ultrastructures of silk glands and cocoon filaments of wild silkmoths, Antheraea yamamai and Antheraea pernyi. p. 9. O. Ninaki, Y. Taniguchi, K. Nagayasu and A. Watanabe Physiological studies on moltinism of the mulberry wild silkworm, Bombyx mandarina. p. 25. Y. Kato and H. Yamada Light requirement for the green pigmentation of cocoons in the silkworm, Antheraea yamamai. p. 33. H. Yamada and Y. Kato Purification and properties of a blue chromoprotein in the haemolymph of the Japanese oak silkworm, Antheraea yamamai. p. 41. B. Mauchamp Samia cynthia Drury (Lepidoptera, Attacidae): the influence of seasonal state of Ailantus leaves on growth and metamorphosis. p. 49. H. Maekawa, N. Takada, K. Mikitani, T. Ogura, N. Miyajima, H. Fujiwara, M. Kobayashi, A. Kiyota and O. Ninaki Nucleolus organizers in the wild silkworm, Bombyx mandarina and the domesitcated silkworm, B. mori. p. 59. T. Tamura and T. Kubota A determination of molecular weight of fibroin polypeptides in the saturnid silkworms, Antheraea yamamai, Antheraea pernyi and Philosamia cynthia ricini by sad-page. p. 67. J. Kobayashi Effects of photoperiod on the induction of egg diapause of the wild silkworm, Bombyx mandarina Moore. p. 73. K. Suzuki, T. Fujisawa, M. Kurihara, S. Abe and E. Kuwano Artificial hatching in the silkworm, Antheraea yamamai : application of KK-42 and its analogs. p. 79. H. Shinbo, M. Kiuchi and G. M. Happ Immunochemical cross-reactivity among proteins in male reproductive systems of a beetle and of wild and domestic silkmoths. p. 85. C.-F. Zhang, J. Ding and C.-Z. Lu Relationship between the activities of inducible antibacterial substances and resistance to APNPV infection of the Chinese oak silkworm, Antheraea pernyi. p. 93. S. Kuribayashi Effects of pesticides on the Japanese oak silkworm, Antheraea yamamai. p. 101. Z.-S. Wu Culture of the Chinese oak silkworm, Antheraea pernyi, in China. p. 107. M. O. Ashiru The wild silkworms of Africa: under-utilized and endangered. p. 111. K. K. Tsubouchi, T. Imai and M. Sudo Physical properties of the cocoon filament of the wild silkworm, Antheraea yamamai. p. 119. H. Kato Dyeing of non-mulberry silks by the gips dyeing method. p. 127. Author Index p. 133. WILD SILKMOTHS ’89・’90 EDITED BY K. AKAI & M. KIUCHI 1989・1990 Preface p. v. Acknowledgement p. vii. Contents p. ix. W. A. Nassig New morphological aspects of Antheraea Hubner (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae) and attempts towards a reclassification of the genus. p. 1. Z. Liu, Y. Liu, Z. Wan and S. Ming Studies on the crochets of larval abdominal legs in the Chinese tusser, Antheraea pernyi. p. 9. M. O. Ashiru Adult morphology of the silkworm, Anaphe venata Butler (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae). p. 15. Y. Zhang, M. Lu and Q. Xu Studies on neurosecretory cells of the brain and suboesophageal ganglion of the oak silkworm, Antheraea pernyi. p. 23. J. Inouchi, K. Asaoka, K. Takabayashi and H. Akai Histological studies on neurosecretory cells of the central nervous system in the silkworm, Antheraea yamamai. p. 29. K. Asaoka and H. Akai Morphology of the larval taste organs of Antheraea yamamai and their spike responses to stimulation with certain sugars and alkaloids. p. 35. N. Kodrik and F. Sehnal Neurohormonal stimulation of posterior silkgland in Galleria mellonella. p. 43. S. Katsuno Critical time to temperature during the hibernal period for diapausing male pupae of Antheraea pernyi. p. 51. J. Kobayashi Effects of photoperiod on the duration of pupal stage of the wild silkworm, Bombyx mandarina Moore. p. 57. M. Lu, C. Yang and X. Teng Carbohydrate metabolism of diapausing pupae of ohe oak silkworm, Antheraea pernyi. p. 65. K. Suzuki, S. Naya, T. Kumagai, T. MInakawa, T. Fujisawa and E. Kuwano The mode of action of KK-42 on diapause breakdown in pharate first instar larvae of the wild silkmoth, Antheraea yamamai. p. 73. T. Furusawa Carbohydrate metabolism and limited degradation of vitellin in the eggs of the Japanese oak silkworm, Antheraea yamamai, during diapause and embryonic development. p. 81. H. Yamada and Y. Kato Characteristic properties of a blue chromoprotein in larval hemolymph of Antheraea yamamai. p. 89. Y. Kato and H. Yamada Preliminary report on the biliverdins in larval tissues of the wild silkworm, Antheraea yamamai in relation to green pigmentation. p. 97. H. Qian and B. Guo Analysis and comparison of the content of eggshell protein and the amino acid of Philosamia cynthia ricini, Antheraea pernyi and Bombyx mori. p. 101. K. Slama Regulation of autonomic physiological functions in silkmoths. p. 107. H. Akai, M. Suto and K. Asaoka Rearing of Antheraea mylitta with newly developed artificial diet. p. 121. Z. Li, X. Shen, J. Fan, P. Chen, F. Kon, Y. Zhon, Q. Lou and C. Zhou Transfer of exogenous genes by microbeam laser bwtween Antheraea yamamai and Antheraea pernyi. p. 129. D. Li, F. Xu, Z, Chen and Z. Huang Transfer of synthetic antibacterial peptide D gene of Antheraea pernyi into Agrobacterium tumefaciens. p. 137. M. Kobayashi and K. Tanaka Control of the nucleopolyhedrosis in tree-rearing of Antheraea yamamai. p. 145. K. K. Tsubouchi and T. Imai Size-distribution of neps in silk card sliver from Antheraea pernyi. p. 153. S. Yang, C. Wang and S. Wen Canopy structure and bioproductivity of Tussah-feeding oak forest. p. 159. A. K. Dash and M. C. Dash Energetics of the Indian Tasar silkworm, Antheraea mylitta Drury (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) raised on Asan (Terminalia tomentosa) food plant. p. 165. S. D. Misra Three sector integration of ericulture development for abatement of stressed ecosystems in India. p. 173. Author Index p. 181. WILD SILKMOTHS ’91 EDITED BY K. AKAI, Y. KATO, M. KIUCHI, AND J. KOBAYASHI1991 Preface Acknowledgement Liu Shu Shan and K. Okui Antenna of Antheraea pernyi. p. XI. Yu Xibin Commemorative speech at The 1st International Conference of Wild Silkmoths. p. 1. H. Akai Recent facts on the Japanese oak silkworm, Antheraea yamamai. p. 7. Liu Qiao The progress and development of Tassah silkworm raising in China. p. 12. K. Thangavelu Recent studies in Indian tasar and other wild silkmoths. p. 20. H. Kato Dyeing of cocoon filaments of Antheraea yamamai. p. 30. Lu Mingxian, Teng Xiuyin, Yang Changsong, Zhang Yicheng and Xu Qimao Vitellogeini production in the oak silkworm, Antheraea pernyi. p. 45. K. Okui On the claws of abdominal leg of eri-silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini Donovan. p. 52. Liu Tingyin and Cao Cuiying A series of studies on hibernation of eri-silkworm, (Philosamia cynthia ricini). p. 59. R. Hartland-Rowe Gonometa rufobrunnea an African Lasiocampid silkmoth. p. 64. K. Thangavelu Wild sericigenous insects of India: A need for conservation. p. 71. A. K. Dash and B. K. Nayak Studies on some oviposition behaviours of godamodal ecorace of Indian wild tasar silkmoth, Antheraea paphia Linn. (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). p. 78. M. Kiuchi Changes in the hemolymph ecdysteroid titers during the larval development in Antheraea yamamai and Bombyx mori. p. 83. K. Matsusaki and I. Oh’hara Characterization of tRNA and tRNA gene of silkworm. p. 91. T. Nakada Sequence of some cocoon traits in the progeny tests after crossing between wild and domesticated silkworms. p. 98. Pan Chuanrong, Li Fengchun, Dong Guanting, Song Dexiu and Li Yuxiu A report on breeding of “Fangshanhung”: A new hypersilkgenous race of Tussah. p. 105. L. Z. Meng, X. Y. Zhao and C. H. Wu Response to 6, 11-hexadecadiene compounds in the eri-silkmoth, Philosamia cynthia ricini Donovan. p. 113. Wu Caihong and H. J. Bestmann Third olfactory receptor cell of short hairs of sensilla trichodea on Antheraea polyphemus and A. pernyi. p. 119. Zhu Jiang, Chen Changle, Chen Yongqing, Zhang Yuqing and Dai Yujin Identification and purification of vitellin from the Chinese oak silkworm, Antheraea pernyi, and its changes during oogenesis and embryogenesis. p. 126. Hua Yuejin, Xu Junliang, Du Guangxi and Wu Xiaofeng Analysis of fluorescence spectrum of several kinds of wild silkworm and silkworm cocoons. p. 134. Ji Tao, Hu Jiehan, Wang Jing, Guo Hefu, Jin Dongzhi and Ju Jingtang Study on chromatic matter and chromatic mechanism in Tussah cocoon layer. p. 139. Li Zheng, Sao Yuanping and Li Meigui Studies on physical-chemical properties of Antheraea yamamai cocoon: sericin solubility. p. 144. S. K. Majhi and K. Thangavelu Tasar silk reeling, spinning, weaving and processing in India. p. 151. Peng Weiping Investigations on the wild mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mandarina. p. 159. R. S. Peigler The identity of Samia cynthia and the status of its introduced populations. p. 164. T. Narumi, M. Kobayashi, T. Mori Fine structure of cocoon filaments of silkworms. p. 179. T. Shimada and M. Kobayashi Fertility of F1 hybrids between Antheraea yamamai (Guerin-Meneville) and Antheraea pernyi (G. -M.). p. 186. H. Yamada and Y. Kato Amino acid composition and characteristic chromophore of a blue biliprotein in larval hemolymph of Antheraea yamamai. p. 196. WILD SILKMOTHS ’92 EDITED BY K. AKAI, Y. KATO, M. KIUCHI, AND J. INOUCHI 1992 Preface Acknowledgement H. Akai, S. Aoyagi, T. Nagashima and O. Shimizu Histological observation of the shiny spot on larvae of Japanese oak silkworm, Antheraea yamamai. p. 1. S. Aoyagi, T. Nagashima and H. Akai Ultrastructural characteristics in the posterior silk gland of the cabbage butterfly, Peris rapae crucivora. p. 7. T. Furusawa, A. Narutaki, J. Ochiai and N. Teramoto Metabolic biochemistry of yolk protein and amino acid in the eggs of the Japanese oak silkworm, Antheraea yamamai, during diapause and embryonic development. p. 15. J. Nagaraju, E. G. Abraham, B. N. Sethuraman and R. K. Datta Purification of an induced antibacterial protein from the haemolymph of wild silkworm, Antheraea mylitta (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). p. 23. Chufa Zhang, Qi Fan, Yuwen Hu and Guangze Li Nucleotide sequence and transcriptional analysis of polyhedrin Gene of Antheraea pernyi nuclear polyhedrosis virus. p. 31. Chuna Zhang, Qi Fan, Shusan Liu and Guangze Li Construction of gene transfer vectors of Antheraea pernyi nuclear polydedrosis virus and their use for expression of foreign genes in insect cells and the host pupae of Chinese oak silkworm, A. pernyi. p. 39. B. K. Nayak, A. K. Dash, M. C. Dash and H. Akai Environmental regulation of voltinism in antheraea paphia Linn. (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), the Indian tasar silk insect. p. 47. T. Kubota Larval growth and feed efficiency of the oak silkworm, Antheraea yamamai by Lithocarpus edulis leaves. p. 57. Hu Cui, Ye Gongyin and Xu Linhai Comparison of Quercus fabri with Quercus acutissima as fodder plant of Antheraea yamamai. p. 65. R. S. Peigler, T. Narumi and M. Kobayashi Fiber identification of Eucheira socialis (Pieridae) a wild sikworm from Mexico. p. 71. M. Kobayashi, H. Hasegawa and K. Tanaka Sex ratio and frequency distribution of cocoon weight in antheraea yamamai, Antheraea pernyi and their reciprocal hybrids. p. 77. K. Thangavelu and A. K. Sinha Population ecology of Antheraea mylitta Drury (Saturniidae: Lepidoptera). p. 87. M. O. Alam, M. R. Suresh and S. C. Sit Survey, collection and characterization of modal ecorace of Indian wild silk insect, antheraea mylitta D. (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). p. 93. K. Thangavelu, C. M. Bajpeyi and H. R. Bania Indoor rearing of tropical Tasar silkworm, Antheraea mylitta Drury. p. 99. Lin Yang-Shan, Liou Tzeng-Cherng, Liu Cheng-Lin, Liou Yun-Tsong, Wu Tein-Yih and Chang Yu-Cheng An introduction to Taiwan wild silkworms. p. 105. Qian Hui-tian, Qu Da-cai and Liu Jian-hui Analysis and comparison of protein, amino acid and sericin contents in cocoon-layer of eri-silkworm, (Philosamia cynthia ricini Donovan) reared with different feeds. p. 113. H. Kato Dyeing of silk-nylon 66 composite materials. p. 123. International Journal of Wild Silkmoth & Silk ISSN 1340-4725 published by The Japanese Society for Wild Silkmoths Contents of back numbers Vol. 1, No. 1, 1994 (published 1994.7.25) Editorial H. Akai, T. Nagashima, S. Aoyagi, E. Kobayashi and O. Shimizu Ultrastructure of neurosecretory cells of silk-producing insects. p. 1. S. Aoyagi Silk-secretion in the Malpighian tubes of the ant-lion, Hagenomyia micans (Maclachlan) (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). p. 12. H. Akai, T. Nagashima, S. Aoyagi and S. Terauchi Structural and ultrastructural changes of liquid silk in the silk gland of the Indian Tasar silkworm, Antheraea mylitta. p. 15. T. Narumi, T. Shimada and M. Kobayashi The fine structure of cocoon filaments in wild silkmoths, Loepa Katinka sakaei Inoue. p. 22. T. Kubota and H. Akai Effects on ecdysterone treatment against 4th instar larvae of Bombyx silkworm treated with anti-JH imidazole. p. 26. T. Furusawa, M. Tokizane, T. Adachi and K. Mitsuda Low temperature-induced accumulation of alanine in the hemolymph of diapusing pre-larvae and its utilization during embryonic development of Antheraea yamamai. p. 31. H. Ohnishi, M. Matsumoto and M. Takeda Hemolymph amino acid pool of the giant wilk silkmoth, Antheraea yamamai (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), duirng estival diapause and subsequent morphogenesis. p. 36. H. Yamada and Y. Kato Analysis of cocoon pigments from the silk gland of the Japanese oak silkworm, Antheraea yamamai. p. 50. Y. Kato and T. Miyata Cocoon coloration and its determination factor in Rhodinia fugax. p. 53. H. Yamada and Y. Kato NMR analyses of blue bilin from the cocoon of the Japanese oak silkworm, Antheraea yamamai. p. 56. K. Suzuki, T. Kumagai, S. Naya and E. Kuwano Effect of chilling on diapause termination of pharate first-instar larvae in the wild silkmoth, Antheraea yamamai. p. 60. N. Teramoto Serious insect pests attacking deciduous oak (Fagaceae) as the food plants of the wild silk saturniid moth, Antheraea yamamai, in Japan. p. 65. A. K. Dash, P. C. Patro, B. K. Nayak and M. C. Dash Cocoon crop performances on the Indian wild Tasar silkworm Antheraea paphia (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) reared on different food plants. p. 72. B. K. Yayak, A. K. Dash, C. S. K. Mishra, U. K. Nayaku, M. C. Dash and D. R. Prabhakar Innovation of technology for commercial rearing of Indian wild Tasar silk insect, godamodal ecorace of Antheraea paphia Linn. (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). P. 75. Y. E. Gonying and Hu Cui Study on artificial diet of Antheraea yamamai with Quercus fabri as leaf factor. p. 80. H. Kato Structural analysis of Bombyx mori silk yarns treated with tannic acid-antimony potassium tartrate, and wild silk yarns. p. 84. S. K. Majhi and S. M. Chatterjee Some characteristic aspects of wild silk cocoon. p. 93. Hu Cui, Ye Gongyin and Lu Xuefang Preliminary studies on effects on jinlu, an imidazole derivate with water solubility on the growth and development of the Jaanese oak silkworm, Antheraea yamamai. p. 99. Vol. 1, No. 2, 1994 (published 1994.12.25) Photograph of cover Special Issue Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Wild Silkmoths Editorial M. Demura and T. Asakura Structural characterization of Samia cynthia ricini silk fibroin as a biomaterial. p. 139. E. Iizuka Physical properties of Antheraea silks. p. 143. Y. Kawahara, Y. M. Shioya, T. Kikutani and A. Takasu Structural changes of chinese tussah silk fibers by grafting with methacrylamide (MAA). p. 147. C. Takabayashi, H. Tsuboi and M. Tughe Analysis and comparison of the exfoliation tension of cocoon filament in the Japanese oak silkworm and Mori silkworm. p. 151. H. Kato, Y. Takebe and M. Obo Crease resistance of silk fabric treated with glyoxal, urethane and hydrazine. p. 155. S. S. Sinha and A. K. Sinha Conservation strategies for important with silk moth populaton of Antheraea mylitta. p. 159. M. Kobayashi, H. Hara and K. Tanaka Cocoon filament properties of the interspecific F1 hybrids between Antheraea yamamai and A. pernyi. p. 163. T. Nakada, K. Sahara, K. Kikuchi and H. Saitoh A new cocoon color strain, emerald green (EG), in the Japanese oak silkworm, Antheraea yamamai. p. 167. A. Promboon, T. Shimada and M. Kobayashi Random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) in silkmoths. p. 171. S. S. Sinha and A. K. Sinha Genetic analysis of quantitative traits in Antheraea mylitta. p. 177. S. Aoyagi Ultrastructure and silk secretion of the malpighian tubules in the ant-lion. p. 183. H. Akai, T. Nagashima, S. Aoyagi and K. Asaoka Developmental ultrastructure of brain in silk-producing insects. p. 187. S. K. Sharan, M. K. Shingh, N. G. Ojha and S. S. Sinha Regulation of voltinism in Antheraea mylitta by manipulation of rearing period of larval stages. p. 187. S. Naya, A. Sagisaka and K. Suzuki Identification of a maturation factor inducing post-diapause development in pharate first-instar larvae of the wild silkmoth, Antheraea yamamai. p. 187. S. Terauchi, T. Kaminishi and T. Nagashima Amino acid uptake in cultured posterior silk gland in Bombyx mori. p. 201. M. Yago, H. Sato and S. Hayashi and Otsubo Enzymic activities involved in the silk- and cuticle-tanning of the Japanese giant silkmoth, Dictyoploca japonica Butler. p. 203. H. Yamada and Y. Kato Studies on blue bilin from the cocoon of the Japanese oak silkworm. p. 211. H. Saito N-Terminal amino acid sequence of the biliverdin-binding protein (BBP) from the molting fluid of the eri silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini. p. 213. Y. Zhag, M. Lu, Y. Wang, Q. Xu and C. Yang Dynamic changes in respiration rates of the brain of Antheraea pernyi. p. 219. M. Lu, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, Q. Xu and C. Yang Dynamic changes in ATP levels in the brain of Antheraea pernyi. p. 221. Photograph of cover Vol. 2, 1996 (published 1996.10.25) M. Matsumoto and M. Takeda Regulation of Summer Diapause and Ecdysiotroph in Antheraea yamamai (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae). p. 1. E. Iizuka, S. Sekiguchi, Y. Okachi and S. Ohbayashi Studies on the Physical Properties of Antheraea yamamai Silks. p. 5. F. Song, Y. Banno, Y. Kawaguchi, K. Koga and Z. Xiang Dimorphism in Chromosome Number of Samia cynthia walkeri in China. p. 11. K. Asaoka Characteristics of Gustatory Impulse Response to Inositol in the Maxillary Styloconic Sensilla of Antheraea yamamai Larva. p. 15. T. Ariyoshi and R. Kanzaki Pheromone-Triggered Electromyograms of ‘Flight’ Muscles in a Male Silkworm Moth, Bombyx mori. p. 21. H. Akai, T. Nagashima and R. Nakatomi Structural and Ultrastructural Characteristics of Golden Cocoons of Cricula trifenestrata. p. 27. A. K. Dash, M. C. Dash and B. K. Nayak Energetics of the Indian Tasar Silkworm Antheraea mylitta Drury (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) Raised on Arjun (Terminalia arjuna). p. 35. K. Damodar Reddy, K. Thangavelu and C. M. Bajpeyi Free Amino Acid Profile and Protein Changes in the Haemolymph and Silk Gland of Developing Fifth Instar Larvae of the Tasar Silkworm, Antheraea mylitta (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). p. 41. O. Parlak and M. Kiuchi Development of the Pupal Ovaries Transplanted to the Larval Stages in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori. p. 49. [Technical Note] C. Suryakant Mishra and Madhab C. Dash Growth of Two Freshwater Carps Fed on Tasar Silkworm Pupa. p. 53. J. Situmorang An Attempt to Produce Attacus atlas (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) Using Baringtonia Leaves as Plant Fodder. P. 55. Instructions to authors p. 59. Photograph of front cover A scanning electron micrograph of a cross section of cocoon filament from Antheraea mylitta. (x 3,000) (From Akai, 1997) Vol. 3, 1997 (published 1997.10.25) Editorial Hitoshi Saito Purification and Characterization of a Biliverdin-Binding Protein from the Larval Cuticle of the Saturniid Silkworm, Attacus atlas. p. 1. Ye Gongyin, Hu Cui and Gong He Differences in Ovarian Development and Vitellogenesis between te Trimolter and Tetramolter of the Japanese Oak Silkworm, Antheraea yamamai. p. 7. Hiromu Akai, Reiko Nakatomi, Esther Kioko, and Suresh K. Raina Fine Structure of Cocoon and Cocoon Filament from African Gonometa Silkmoth (Lasiocampiae). p. 15. Hiromu Akai and Takayuki Nagashima Cocoon Filament Formation in Silk Gland Physical Characteristics of Raw Silk of Muga silkworm, Antheraea assama. p. 23. Yutaka Kawahara Microvoids in the Methacrylamide-treated Silk Fibers of the Japanese Oak Silkworm. p. 31. Eisaku Iizuka and Hidenori Itoh Physical Properties of Eri Silk. p. 37. Eisaku Iizuka, Haruki Kamiya, Hiroshi Hayashi and Masashi Fukumoto Physical Properties of Cynthia Silk as Compared with Those of Eri Silk. p. 43. Tamako Hata, Tamotsu Takahashi and Hiroshi Kato Effect of Hot Water Treatment on Dyeing of Antheraea pernyi Silk. p. 47. Taeko Narumi and Masahiko Kobayashi Morphological Characteristics of Voids in Wild Silks Used in Woven Fabrics. p. 53. Taeko Narumi and Masahiko Kobayashi Morphological Changes of Voids in Wild Silk during the Raw Silk Production Process. p. 59. Masaru Kobayashi and Michio Kanbe Prereductional Meiosis in Males of Wild Silkmoths, Antheraea yamamai and A. pernyi (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae). p. 65. C. S. K. Mishra, B. K. Nayak and M. C. Dash Studies on the Reproductive Behaviour of the Indian Tasar Silk Moth Antheraea mylitta (Saturniidae) reared on Terminalia tomentosa, Teminalia arjuna and Shorea nobusta Plants in different Seasons. p. 71. K. M. Ponnuvel, A. Harikumar, C. M. Babu and R. K. Sinha Changes in the Body Weight, Silkgland Tissue Somatic Index and Haemolymph Properties of Healthy and Uzi Parasitized Sikworm Larvae of Antheraea proylei J. p. 75. Preliminary Report Hiromu Akai Anti-bacteria Function of Natural Silk Materials. p. 79. Photograph of front cover A scanning electron micrograph of a cross section of cocoon filament from Antheraea mylitta. (From H. Akai, 1997) Vol. 4, 1999 (published 1999.3.25) Esther N. Kioko, Suresh K. Raina and J. M. Mueke Conservation of the African Wild Silkmoths for Economic Incentives to Rural Communities of the Kakamega Forest in Kenya. p. 1 Hiromu Akai, Takayuki Nagashima and G. Mugenyi Anaphe in Africa: Are They Social Insect? p. 7. Hiromu Akai and Takayuki Nagashima Fine-Structural Characterisitcs of Anaphe Cocoon Filament. p. 13. Colleen N. Ramos and Richard S. Peigler Comparative Ultrastructure of Silk Fibers for Identifying Silk Textiles. p. 17. Tamako Hata and Hiroshi Kato Properties of Twisted Yarns with Anisoshrinking, Blended Wild Silks and Bombyx Silk. p. 31. Motoko Yago and Toshimasa Mitamura Specific Structure in the Pupal Cuticle of the Japanese Wild Silkmoth, Rhodinia fugax Butler. p. 39. Esther N. Kioko, Suresh K. Raina, J. M. Mueke and M. Chimtawi Chorion Structure and Egg Size of the African Wild Silkmoths, Argema mimosae and Gonometa sp. (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea) in Kenya. p. 43. Gong-Yin Ye, Cui Hu and Gong He Effect of Precocene II on Ovarian Development and Vitellogenesis of the Japanese Oak Silkworm, Antheraea yamamai. p.47. Yong-Li Lin, Gong-Yin Ye and Cui Hu Effect of an Imidazole Derivative, Jinlu on Growth and Development of the Posterior Silkgland in the Japanese Oak Silkworm, Antheraea yamamai. p. 53. A. Chaudhuri, N. Krishnan, A. K. Sinha, S. Chatterjee, S. S. Sinha and Rama Ghoshi Composition of Fatty Acids of Hemolymph Serum and Fat Body Tissue of Tropical Tasar Silkworm, Antheraea mylitta Drury (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) During Critical Phase of Diapause Termination. p. 57. Akiko Nakamura, Eiichi KUwano and Koichi Suzuki Effects of Imidazole Compounds on Control of Life Cycle of the Wild Silkmoth, Antheraea yamamai. p. 65. Toshimasa Mitamura Use of the Willow, Salix pet-susu as a Source of Leaf Powder for the Artificial Diet for the Japanese Oak Silkworm, Antheraea yamamai. p. 73. Weide Shen, Kunikatsu Hamano, Hajime Fugo and Yu-Qing Zhang Endocrine Mechanism of Summer Diapause in the Pupae of Bombyx mandarina: I. Effects of Exohormones on the Development of Pupae. p. 79. Weide Shen, Kunikatsu Hamano, Hajime Fugo and Yu-Qing Zhang Endocrine Mechanism of Summer Diapause in the Pupae of Bombyx mandarina: II. Role of the Brain. p. 85. K. V. V. Ananthalakshmi, C. Yasunaga, T. Kawarabata, B. Nataraju and R. K. Datta Studies on the Infection and Development of a New Microsporidium NIK-4m in Antheraea eucalypti Cell Line. p. 91. [Short Communication] Hiromu Akai, Takayuki Nagashima, Katsumi Imada, Naokazu Aoki and Nobuo Mii Absorbance and Transmissivity of Ultraviolet by Wild Silk, Antheraea pernyi. p. 97. Photograph of front cover A scanning electron micrograph of a cross section of cocoon filament from Antheraea mylitta. (From H. Akai, 1997) Vol. 5, 2000 (published 2000.6.30) [Originals] Yoshiomi Kato, Hiromi Yamada and Kozo Tsubouthi Why are Cocoons of Cricula trifenestrata Golden? p. 1. H. Akai and T. Nagashima Structural Characteristics of the Nnaphe Cocoon Nest―Method of “Creeping-out” through the Hard Cocoon Covering―. p. 5. Hiroshi Kato Structure and Therjmal Properties of Naphe, Cricula and Attadus D. B. Tembhare and D. D. Barsagade Cephalic Neuroendocrine System in the Tropical Tasar Silkworm, Antheraea mylitta (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae):Metamorphic and Sericotropic Functions. p. 21. Y. Tohno, K. Z. Li and M. Takeda Two Types of Diapause Development in the Chinese Oak Silkmoth, Antheraea pernyi (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). p. 31. Takehiko Kamito Immunocytochemical Localization of Eclosion Hormone of the Japanese Oak Silkworm, Antheraea yamamai, and the Silkworm, Bombyx mori, using Anti-Bombyx Eclosion Hormone Antibody. p. 41. Mitsuhiro Miyazawa, Masashi Sonoyama and Hitoshi Saito FT-IR Studies on Secondary Structure of Wild Silkworm Fibroin Films. p. 47. Xue Ying Wang, Jun Kobayashi, Shigetoshi Miyajima, Huai Jiang Xie, Sheng Lin Ghi, Wen Yun Zheng and Rui Qin Ji Cloning and Property Analysis of Antheraea pernyi Nucleopolyhedrovirus (AnpeNPV). p. 51. Xye-Ying Wang, Guang-Ze Li, Hiromu Akai, Rui-qin Ji, Sheng-Lin Shi and Wen-Yun Zheng Production and Physical Properties of Soluble Wild Power. p. 57. J. Pattanayak and A. K. Dash Energy Allocation by Mature Larva of Antheraea mylitta (Saturniidae) towards Cocoon Preparation and Pupal Life. p. 61. Mitsuru Hattori Use of Silkworms as Therapy of persons with Senile Dementia. p. 65. [Short Communication] Masatoshi Ichida, Syuji Doi, Yoshiko Miura, Takashi Nakamura and Yutaka Banno Aseptic rearing of Mulberry Wild Silkwormj, Bombyxmandaria. p. 69. Photograph of front cover A scanning electron micrograph of a cross section of cocoon filament from Antheraea mylitta. (From H. Akai, 1997) Vol. 6, 2001 (published 2001.6.25) CONTENTS [Originals] Richard S. Peigler and Jane W Baird Preliminary experiments to spin silks of seven species of saturniidae from North America. P. 1. Takashi Nakamura, Yutaka Banno and Hiroshi Fujii Genetics of the “wild silkworm translucent” mutant (ows) discovered in the progenies after the croos between the domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori and the sild mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mandarina. p. 7. Motoko Yago, Toshimasa Mitamura, Shinji Abe and Susumu Hashimoto Adhesive strength of glue-like substances from the colleterial glands of Antheraea yamamai and Rhodinia fugax. p. 11. Youhei Tohno and Makio Takeda Sex-specific circadian dynamics of cyclic nucleotides in the cerebral ganglia of a univoltine strain of Antheraea pernyi during post-diapause development. p. 17. Hiromu Akai and Takayuki Nagashima Structural characteristic of cocoon filament from Rothschildia silkmoth. p. 25. Hiromu Akai Calcium crystals deposited in cocoons of wild silkmoths. p. 33. Hiromi Yamada, Yoshiomi Kato and Kozo Tsubouchi Yellow pigmentation of the fibroin core in the cocoon fibers of Cricula trifenestrata. p. 43. Hiromi Yamada and Kozo Tsubouchi Characterization of silk proteins in the cocoon fibers of Cricula trifenestrata. p. 47. Jun Kobayashi, Ryo Ando, Xue Ying Wang, Yuan Jiao Huang and Shigetoshi Miyajima Nucleotide sequence analysis of the polyhedrin gene of Antheraea pernyi nucleopolyhedrovirus and construction of a transfer vector plasmid. p. 53. Yuan Jiao Huang, Xue Ying Wang, Shigetoshi Miyajima, Tetsuro Yoshimura and Jun Kobayashi Efficiency of Antheraea pernyi nucleopolyhedrovirus-mediated protein production in both an established cell line and diapausing pupae of A. pernyi. p. 59. Hiroshi Kato and Tamako Hata Bleaching of Chinese tusser silk with hydrogen peroxide. p. 73. A. K. Dash Rainy season energy budget of larva of Indian tasar silkmoth, Antheraea mylitta Drury (Saturniidae) living wild sal (Shorea robusta) host plant. p. 79. [Review] Motoyuki Sumida Silk gland developmental program in the wild silkmoth, Samia cynthia ricini and the domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori. p. 87. Zi-Ran Huang Utilization of non mulberry sericultural resources in China. p. 91. M. V. Samson Recent trends in non-mulberry research: Vision for the new millennium. p. 95. Photograph of front cover A light micrograph of a section from cocoon shell of Argema mimosae. (From H. Akai & T. Nagashima, 2002) Vol. 7, 2002 (published 2002.11.25) CONTENTS [Memorial Lecture] Hiromu Akai Development and contribution of the international society for wild silkmoths. p. 1. [Keynote Address] Pricess GRAj Nurmalitasari and Fitriani Kuroda Indonesia’s progress in the development of wild silkmoths. p. 11. J. Situmorang and Sigit Dwi Mulyatno Preference test of egg deposition of Cricula trifenestrata Helf. (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) on the host plant of parent stock and other host plants. p. 19. Beera Saratchandra and Ravindra Nath Singh Collection, conservation and utilization of commercially exploited twild silkmoths of India. p. 25. Eisaku Iizuka Properties of wild silk and its usefulness. p. 31. Jun Kobayashi Diapausing pupa of wild silkmoths as an ideal model of bioreactor. p. 37. [Originals] Kiyoshi Asaoka Central projections of sensory neurons in the medial and lateral maxillary tstyloconic sensillum of Antheraea yamamai larva. p. 43. Hiromu Akai and Takayuki Nagashima Structural characteristics of cocoon filament of the African silkmoth, Argema mimosae. p. 47. Photograph of front cover A light micrograph of a section from silk gland of Samia cynthia ricini. (From H. Akai & T. Nagashima, 2002) Vol. 8, 2003 (published 2003.11.25) CONTENTS [Originals] Hiromu Akai and Takayuki Nagashima Calcium crystals of cocoon shell from African Gonometa silkmoth (Lasiocampidae). p. 1. Hiromu Akai Ultrastructural characteristics of silk secretion during embryonic development of Bombyx mori. p. 7. Yoshiomi Kato and Naoko Tsuzuki Larval growth and epidermal mitoses in early instars of the Japanese oak silkworm, Antheraea yamamai. p. 15. Hiromi Yamada, Yumiko Igarashi, Yoko Takasu, Kozo Tsubouchi, Yoshiomi Kato and Hiromu Akai Sericin-like protein from the cocoons of the parasitic wasp Apanteles glomeratus. p. 19. Hiromi Yamada, Yumiko Igarashi, Yoko Takasu, Kozo Tsubouchi and Yoshiomi Kato Proteinaceous component in the froth produced by nymphs of the spittle insect Aphrophora intermedia. p. 25. Ken-ichi Maegawa, Jun Kobayashi and Tetsuro Yoshimura Antheraea pernyi nucleopolyhedrovirus p143 gene: nucleotide sequence and ineffectiveness in host range expansion of Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus. p. 29. Yuan Jiao Huang and Jun Kobayashi Antheraea pernyi nucleopolyhedrovirus mutants lacking functional cathepsin and/or chitinase genes suppress proteolysis and liquefaction of virus-infected diapausing A. pernyi pupae. p. 43. Xing-jia Shen, Qiao-ling Zhao, Zhi-fang Zhang, Yi-ren Li and JIa-lu He Cytochrome subunit b and NADH oxido-reductase subunit I gens of mitochondrial genome from the eri silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini and phylogenetic analysis. p. 51. Yumiko Nakajima, Takashi Nakamura, Yutaka Banno, Hirofumi Fujimoto, Kazuo Hashido, Teiichiro Shiino, Kozo Tsuchida, Naoko Takada and Hideaki Maekawa Comparison of mariner-like elements among Bombyx mandarina individuals inhabiting East Asia in the light of the segregation of B. mori and B. mandarina genomes. p. 57. [Preliminary Report] Hiromu Akai, Takayuki Nagashima and Susumu Yamaguchi Ultrastructures of silk glands and cocoon filaments from the Mexican silkmoth, Eucheira socialis. p. 65. [和文欄] 三田村敏正 ウスタビガの配偶行動と産卵. p. 73. 赤井 弘 カイコガの成虫小顋の超微形態. p. 81. [短報] 赤井 弘, 長島孝行 アナフェ繭糸の構造特性. p. 89. Photograph of cover A light micrograph of a section from silk gland of Samia cynthia ricini. (From H. Akai & T. Nagashima, 2002) Vol. 9, 2004 (published 2004.7.15) CONTENTS [Originals] Masahide Watanabe, Shino Fujii, Seiji Miyata and Motoyuki Sumida Localization of fibroinase in the silk gland of domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, wild silkmoth, Samia cynthia ricini and Antheraea pernyi studied by confocal laser scanning microscopy. p. 1. Masahide Watanabe, Snino Fujii, Hisato Hinuma and Motoyuki Sumida Cathepsin activities in the silk gland of the domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, the wild silkmoths, Samia cynthia ricini and Antheraea pernyi during the fifth instar larval development. p. 15. Vallaya Sutthikhum, Masahide Watanabe and Motoyuki Sumida Fibroinase, a cathepsin L-like cysteine proteinase, from the silk gland of spinning Bombyx mori larva, a counterpart in the silk gland of wild silkmoths, Samia cynthia ricini and Antheraea pernyi: Purification and characterization. p. 21. Hiroshi Kato, Tamako Hata and Masuhiro Tsukada Antifeedant of Natural Dyestuffs against Anthrenus verbasci (IV) Effects of tannic acid and cathechin on the feeding inhibition of larvae. p. 39. Hiromi Yamada, Yumiko Igarashi, Yoko Takasu, Kozo Tsubouchi and Yoshiomi Kato Proline-rich silk proteins produced by the larvae of the mulberry pyralid Glyphodes pyloalis. p. 47. Ken-ichi Maegawa, Xue Ying Wang, Jun Kobayashi and Tetsuro Yoshimura Nucleotide Sequence Analysis of p10 Gene of Antheraea pernyi Nucleopolyhedrovirus and Construction of two Transfer Vector Plasmids. p. 53. Hiromi Yamada, Katsuya Slhigesada, Yumiko Igarashi, Yoko Takasu, Kozo Tsubouchi and Yoshiomi Kato A novel asparagine-rich fibrous protein (Xenofibron) from the cocoons of the parasitic wasp Cotesia (=Apanteles) glomerata. p. 61. [和文欄] 早坂昭二, 永易健一 カイコおよびサクサンの病原性微胞子虫に対するフマギリンおよびベノミルの増殖抑制効果. p. 67. 赤井 弘 藍染およびうこん染による柞蚕シルクの紫外線遮蔽効果[予報]. p. 71. 赤井 弘, 長島孝行, 中西秀典 藍染によるシルクの紫外線遮蔽効果. p. 73. [短報] 赤井 弘 絹糸昆虫の繭作りと脱繭. p. 79. Photograph of cover A light micrograph of a section from posterior silk gland of Cricula trifenestrata. (From H. Akai & T. Nagashima, 2005) Vol. 10, 2005 (published 2005.9.30) CONTENTS [Originals] D. B. Tembhare and S. D. Rathee Immunohitochemical localization of some vertebrate-peptide hormones in the midgut endocrine cells and effect of midgut extract on digestive enzyme activity in the tropical tasar silkworm, Antheraea mylitta (Drury)(Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). p. 1. D. B. Tembhare and V. R. Pendam Effect of JH III and beta-ecdysone on spermatogenesis in the tropical tasar silkworm, Antheraea mylitta (Drury)(Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). p. 9. Junyi Huang, Yuji Arimatsu, Keiko Sadakane, Yashuhisa Endo and Toshiharu Furusawa Gene expression and localization of trehalase during embryonic development of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. p. 17. Sivilai Sirimungkararat, Tawit Sangtamat, Weerasak Saksirirat and Yongyut Waikakul New food plants for Eri silkworm rearing. p. 27. Sivilai Sirimungkararat, Supacha Kamoltip and Weerasak Saksirirat Reeling of Eri cocoon (Philosamia ricini B.) for silk yarn production. p. 35. Hiromu Akai and Takayuki Nagashima Some information on Cricula silkmoths. p. 41. Kohji Yamamoto, Taro Okada, Ningjia He, Yutaka Banno and Hiroshi Fujii Identification and overexpression of Y-box protein isoform of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. p. 45. [Short Communication] J. Pattanayak and A. K. Dash Autumn energy budget of final instar silkworm, Antheraea mylitta (Saturniidae), for its cocoon and post larval life. p. 53. [Review] Hiromu Akai Porous cocoon filaments―their characteristics and formation. p. 57. [和文欄] 赤井 弘, 長島孝行, 安田勝年, 日野逸夫 ヤママユガ科の爆砕繭の利用について. p. 75. 山口幸路 ヤママユガコクナーゼを含む脱繭時の吐液の数種繭糸への溶解作用. p. 81. 山口幸路 ヤママユガ科に属する絹糸昆虫の小顋と下唇腺. p. 85. [短報] 赤井 弘, 清水 治, 土谷 昇 バギオ(Bagio) の温帯性の大型クリキュラ. p. 91. Photograph of cover A light micrograph of a section from posterior silk gland of Cricula trifenestrata. (From H. Akai & T. Nagashima, 2005) Vol. 11, 2006 (published 2006.11.1) CONTENTS [Originals] Kohji Yamamoto, Hiroshi Fujii, Masatsune Ishiguro and Yutaka Banno Overproduction and characterization of hydroxyphenylalanine oxidoreductase of the silkmoth. p. 1. Wajiro Hara, Hiro-omi Kai, Kohji Yamamoto and Hiroshi Fujii Trial for linkage mapping of phenotypic characters and EST cDNA clones in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. p. 8. Taketo Tsugehara, Roumiana Tsenkova and Makio Takada A non-invasive monitoring of developmental changes in pupal case of Antheraea pernyi by near-infrared spectroscopy. p. 14. Kohji Yamamoto, Ping Zhao, Yutaka Banno and Hiroshi Fujii Purification and characterization of novel Kunitz-type chymotrypsin inhibitor of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. p. 21. Yan Meng, Chaoliang Liu, Aichun Zhao, Kunihiro Shiomi, Masao Nakagaki and Zenta Kajiura Vitellogenin gene organization of Antheraea yamamai and promoter activity analysis. p. 29. Masahide Watanabe, Shino Fujii and Motoyuki Sumida Fibroinase of Silk Gland in Eri-Silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini : Enzymatic Properties at the Fourth Molt Period, Stage D2, and Changes in Activity during the Fifth Instar. p. 41. Akai, H., Shirai, T., Nagashima, T., Inoue, S., Kobayashi, I. and TAmura, T. Functional recovering of fibroin secretion in transgenic silk glands from Nd-sD mutant of Bombyx mori. p. 52. Masahide Watanabe and Motoyuki Sumida Enzymatic Properties of Purified Fibroinase of Silk Gland of Eri-Silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini at End of Spinning. p. 60. Masahide Watanabe, Vallaya Sutthikhum, Tohru Kotera, Mayuko Okumura, Sumiharu Nagaoka, Kaeko Kamei, Hajime Mori and Motoyuki Sumida Bombyx cysteine proteinase of silk gland (BCPSG): Cloning of cDNA and characterization of recombinant enzyme expressed in E.coli. p. 73. [Scientific note] Hiroshi Fujii, Shigeru Yanagi, Yutaka Kawaguchi, Yutaka Banno and Kohji Yamamoto Chymotrypsin and trypsin inhibitors of the saturniid moth, Caligula japonica (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae). p. 91. [和文欄] 波多野友博 ヒゲナガカワトビケラの生成するシルクの構造とその接着様式. p. 97. 赤井 弘, 長島孝行, 坂田歩美, 島村春子, Craig, C. L. 昆虫繭の構造とUVカット率―特に網目繭について. p. 107. Photograph of cover A light micrograph of a cocoon filament section from cocoon of Argema mittrei. (From H. Akai, 2007) Vol. 12, 2007 (published 2008.2.29) CONTENTS [Originals] Yuan Jiao Huang, Hiroshi Mitsutake, Makoto Itakura, Xue Ying Wang and Jun Kobayashi Nucleotide Sequence Analysis of PstI D Fragment of Antheraea pernyi Nucleopolyhedrovirus Clone A and Identification of Escherichia coli Insertion Sequence. p. 1. Hiromu Akai, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Takayuki Nagashima and Catherine L. Craig Comparative Ultrastructural Characteristics of Argema mittrei and Argema mimosae Cocoons. p. 9. Takayuki Nagashima, Osamu Shimizu and Hiromu Akai Structural Characteristics of Wild Cocoon from Actias artemis. p. 17. Sivilai Sirimungkararat, Supachai Kamoltip, Weerasak Saksirirat, Tawit Sangtamat and Duanphen Wongsorn Eri Silk Yarn Producing and Innovative Textile Products. p. 21. Sivilai Sirimungkararat, Tawit Sangtamat, Weerasak Saksirirat and Duanphen Wongsorn Effect of Some Main- and Alternate Food Plants on Growth of Eri Silkworm (Samia ricini D.). p. 29. B. K. Nayak, D. G. Dey and B. C. Guru Life Table Analysis of Univoltine Modal Ecorace of Wild Tasar Silkmoth, Antheraea Phphia (Lepidoptera: Saturnidae). p. 35. Wajiro Hara, Daisuke Sakano, Kohji Yamamoto, Yutaka Banno, Kazuhiro Nishikawa, Akifumi Nisisaka, Kei TAmura and Hiroshi Fujii Investigation of Integration of Linkage Mapping of Phenotypic Characters and EST cDNA Clones in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori. p. 45. Hiromu Akai Why are Lysosomes not Released into Silk Gland Lumen of Bombyx larvae. p. 51. Esther N. Kioko, Suresh Kumar Raina, J. M. Nueke and M. Chimtawi Chorion Structure and Egg Size of the African Wild Silkmoths, Argema mimosae and Gonometa sp. (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea) in Kenya. p. 59. Vallaya Sutthikhum, Akihiro Nagatomo, Reon Somana, Jeeraphan Sugsringam, Motoyuki Sumida and Hiromu Akai Eri-Silk Fabric Development and Utilization in Thailand: From Obtaining Eggs to a Tailor-made Unique Suit for Men. p. 63. [和文欄] [総 説] 角田素行 絹タンパク質セリシンを分解する酵素. p. 67. [スポットニュース] 赤井 弘, 長島孝行, 杉本星子 マダガスカルのアナフェ繭巣について. p. 75 Vol. 13, 2008 (published 2009.3.1) CONTENTS [Originals] Susumu Hiragaki, Yuji Kawabe and Makio Takeda Molecular cloning and expression analysis of two putative serotonin receptors in the brain of Antheraea pernyi pupa. p. 1. Prasong Srihanam, Siew Lok Toh, James Cho Hong Goh, Reon Somana and Vallaya Sutthikhum Silk Fibroin Sheeets for Scaffolds in Cell Culture and Their Characteristics. p. 15. Hiromu Akai, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Takayuki Nagashima and Hoshiko Sugimoto Structural Characteristics of a Cocoon Nest from Bagmoths, Cryptothelea Family. p. 23. Takayuki Nagashima and Hiromu Akai UV interception properties of Saturniidae and Bombycidae cocoons. p. 29. Takayuki Nagashima and Hiromu Akai Ultrastructure of liquid fibroin in the silk glands of silkworm, Bombyx mori. p. 35. Nagashima, T., Shirai, T., Ishikawa, T., Akai, H., Inoue, S., Kobayashi, I. and Tamura, T. Cell activity in transgenic silk gland induced by a fibroin gene (Ayfib) from Antheraea yamamai. p. 39. Takayuki Nagashima, Hiromu Akai and Toshimasa Mitamura Optical Properties of the Cocoon and Silk Gland of Usutabiga, Rhodinia fugax. p. 47. Hideki Sezutsu, Toshiki Tamura and Kenji Yukuhiro Uniform size of leucine-rich repeats in a wild silk moth, Saturnia japonica (Lepidoptera Saturniidae) fibroin. p. 53. Sivilai Sirimungkararat, Weerasak Saksirirat, Suvita Saepaisan and Siriporn Saen Am-Mat Exploitation of Eri Silkworm Feces and Their Isolated Fungi for Controlling Fusarium Wilt of Tomatoes. p. 61. Suporn Nuchadomrong, Waraluk Senakoon, Sivilai Sirimungkararat, Thanaset Senawong and Pravina Kitikoon Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities of Sericin Powder from Eri Silkworm Cocoons Correlating to Degumming Processes. p. 69. [和文欄] 赤井 弘, 石川達也, 長島孝行, 黒田正人 ミノガ科特有の繭構造. p. 79. 夏川 大, 牧 恒雄 爆砕処理による野蚕繭糸の精練(1) 繭綿回収率について. p. 83. 夏川 大, 牧 恒雄 爆砕処理による野蚕繭糸の精練(2) 繭糸の形態変化について. p. 91.